The Funniest thing happened in chat on Niteflirt today. And by funny, I mean another sign of the impending doom of life as we know it on planet earth.
I got accused of being AI. I’m not surprised that that happened. I knew it was coming.
The truth is, this AI thing has many of us freaked out. I am a bit as well. I am weirded out by how fast things are moving with this stuff, especially when they told us all over the media how NOT GOOD this stuff is.
Wasn’t it like a few years ago, they warned us how BAD this idea was? That we were going to end up in some science fiction dystopian?
And then just a few years later…BAM! I have AI drawing comic book pictures for my phone sex characters. Lol.
And yes, I use AI for functions like that because…eh, why NOT? But I am not a bot. I talk a little “proper” sometimes. That’s the only thing I did differently with this guy because I haven’t been accused of being a bot before.
I just spoke especially proper with him and gave him a formal introduction. I was trying something new, you know, being stern but POLITE. You gotta sometimes experiment with your characters to see what works and what fits.
Well, being polite on the internet doesn’t work anymore.
Old-fashioned pleasantries = Artificial Intelligence.
I knew it was only a matter of time before phone sex workers would be accused of being BOTS. But I wonder, could we ever get replaced like so many industries are being replaced with robots?
I really don’t think so. I provide the one thing a bot will never be able to. Human interaction. How much the bots learn to “imitate” human emotions, thoughts, and feelings doesn’t matter. It’ll never be quite the same.
It’s the spirit, the soul, or both. I know something about every man that calls me. No matter what he sounds like, no matter what he says. Even without seeing his image, I know as soon as he talks to me…or as soon as I am near another human in the street. I can “FEEL” it in some strange way.
When I talk to a robot, that feeling is not there. It’s soulless, no matter how sweet and friendly and full of personality it appears to be.
Hey, they are going to try. I bet they will. They will try to make robotic women talk to men and turn them on, and make them cum. And they might be somewhat successful.
But I don’t want to have a long, indebt conversation with a robot, do you? And not all the guys who call me just want a quick cum.
Trust and believe I am not a bot, and neither are any other Niteflirt guys/girls, as far as I know. Business is booming, and I suspect this AI stuff might make my job more necessary, if anything. Phone sex might move from a kind of seedy business on the outskirts of the porn industry to practically a medical necessity as things get more and more overcome by DROIDS.
But if you want to put me to the test, why not send me a chat? Or call me on the phone?
I prefer chat because I’m a writer and have lots more fun writing than talking.
However, if you’re really paranoid that we phone sex girls are being taken over by robots, give me a call.
Yes, and an actual human woman will talk to you (After the Niteflirt Bots connect you to me, of course. lol):